Signable electronic signatures

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Electronic Signatures FAQ

Send and sign documents and contracts with Signable online signatures.

What are electronic signatures?

An electronic signature is the digital version of a classic handwritten signature on an electronic document.

Are electronic signatures legal?

Yes. Electronic Signatures are legally binding and in accordance with eIDAS the standard across the European Union is the same meaning if you send a document to Italy for instance, it’s as legally binding there as it is in the UK. You can read more about eSignature legality in your country with one of our guides.

How safe are electronic signatures?

Electronic signatures (and digital signatures) are 100% safe. With Signable you can trust that your information is secure and will only be shared with those you approve of. Every action you take is logged in a full audit trail and Signable has SSL encryption on every page.

We are also Cyber Essentials certified, providing our customers with peace of mind that their information is safe.

How to send a document to be signed with an electronic signature

Sending a document with Signable is easy and can be done in 60 seconds. Simply upload the document (from your computer, a previously saved template or from Dropbox), add your signing field, add who’s signing what and hit send!

How to sign a document with an electronic signature

Once a document has been received via email you can add your personal signature to the sections that require it. You can either draw your signature or add an image of your signature, both are fine.

Once you’re happy you can hit send and a copy of the signed document will be sent to you, the original sender and anyone else that signed the document – easy right?

What are the features and benefits of using Signable?

  • Send documents from any device, at any time, to anywhere in the world! No more relying on the post, with Signable you can save a ton of time and send contracts, documents, PDFs etc out instantly.
  • Keep track of your documents status every step of the way and watch your sign rate go up.
  • Reduce office clutter and the expense of printing.
  • Integrate with a number of useful tools including Dropbox, Touchright and Zapier.
  • Save time and money and draw signature online.

Ready to give Signable a go? We don’t need any payment info, just a few details and you’re good to go!