Brand Value | Techy ways to stand out

Brand Value | Techy ways to stand out

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2018 has been a hard year already, not to mention the tough week for sport – let’s be fair we all ignored the person who won the sweepstake. But, have we ever thought about why we come to support certain players or teams? Yeah, they might be from our country, but why do they have such a strong visual ‘identity’. Well, It’s all in their marketing.

Branding and marketing has evolved massively over the decades, but emerging trends are starting to be recognised. Here are five big ways you can enhance your brand and continue to evolve and to captivate your audience in 2018. Just like Andy Murray did this…oh wait.

In this visual era, it makes sense that businesses leading with clever, eye-catching logos are likely to impact more positively in 2018. If your logo is too similar to another brand, change it.  Consult a graphic designer to help you get some memorable colours going. On one level, consider Apple’s logo – we all know it – and the big McDonald’s arches. Regardless, the point here is clear – logos are more important than ever before – stand out, but not with a complicated eyesore.

Be different

It’s very tempting to follow tried and tested methods of marketing to a wider audience. Why should you fix what ain’t broke? But, guess what? Audiences are getting wiser. We’ve never been given so much media at our fingertips – word of mouth is more widespread than ever before, which means that consumers can easily do their homework on a brand in  seconds. 

This is why it’s getting more and more important to make a first impression that goes against the grain – be creative, be different, be informal. Be refreshing!

Promotional freebies?  Yes, please!

One ‘retro’ form of marketing that’s making more than a little comeback is the promotional freebie.  Who doesn’t love freebies? You’re broken if you say ‘me’. 

Even if it’s something as simple as a pen, a notepad or a personalised lanyard – it’s a nice surprise, and it impacts well upon the provider.  A great first impression to make – and from your point of view, everyday items such as stationery which are branded with your logo will allow you to advertise every, single, day – that’s incredible reach! Think Roger Federer – most people would kill for a free monogrammed hat…

Leave it up to the consumer

This may sound like a fairly risky procedure, but it’s working well. We’re not talking about sitting back and not doing any work, but consumers are connecting with brands that take a minimal approach, offering perhaps a few images and a sentence or two here and there. 

Engage with your consumers by not engaging, encourage them to find out more by giving them just enough.

Offer to help

Today’s brands are less about making money, and more about transparency and offering a genuine service to people in need. Current consumers are looking for advice and help from other human beings, not faceless entities – which means that you may do well to humanise or even change the formality and tone of your branding and marketing strategy moving forward.

Are you the genuine article?  Prove it.

Author bio:  Adam Bennett loves to discuss all things ID card printing, and spends his time reviewing the latest printer, software and more. He currently writes for Digital ID and other card printing publications.