The big question from clients: “can’t you do it online now?”

The big question from clients: “can’t you do it online now?”

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Nowadays, more and more businesses are turning digital.

Clients regularly gasp when having to do most things in-person today. True story.

There’s an app for everything pretty much. And it means consumers expect convenience. Whether it’s finding out info, contacting a friend or making a purchase. So why should we assume clients are happy posting documents instead of signing contracts online?

Pocket PC’s rule the internet…

It’s also changed how we communicate with each other. Today 45% of people now check their email on their smartphone, which has gone up by 180% since 2011*.  We now rely on our tablets and phones (or pocket PC’s as I like to call them), heavily. And so today businesses have to accept that customers want, and more importantly, expect convenience.

So when it comes to closing certain deals; why still print documents for posting or signing and scanning? It’s a time consuming, not cost-effective and more importantly; doesn’t convenience your client.

If your business needs a customer to sign a contract in order to close a deal, it can mean it’s for a time-sensitive or a personal deal. And waiting for documents to arrive, be signed and then posted back can cause a lot of unnecessary stress, for both the business and the client. An estate agent’s clients will want to make sure their property is secured. A recruitment agency’s candidate will want to finalise the details of their next role. And what about accountants and the number of documents sent when it’s time for tax returns? The lack of online signatures in play there is enough to make you (me) feel antsy.

So… Why not use electronic signatures?

Signable’s digital signature software is made so it can be accessed on any web-enabled device. So whether on your mobile, tablet or desktop; you can immediately cater to the needs of customers. Giving your signers the flexibility to review, sign contracts online and send back as and when they’re able to. It also means that documents can be finalised over weekends and returned ready and waiting for a Monday morning. 

If you’re interested in finding out how document signing software can help you sign contracts online and help your business, you can sign up for our 14 day free trial here. And just give us a shout if you have any questions.

*Source: Email Monday